22 September, 2005

you know i´m old school

i switched to real shaving soap and l´occitane has a good product in a nice metal bowl, it actually makes your bathroom look good!
and it´s not expensive, 27 € per bowl. i use it for half a year now and there´s stil more than a half left...

21 September, 2005

party part V

as the sun went down the party is about to blast

party part VI

sundown with rhine view

party part IV

first guest enjoying the scenery

party part III

waiting for the first guests to arrive

party part II

you gotta love the dude and the great fridge in the back Posted by Picasa

party part I

only the first half of the beverages arrive Posted by Picasa

those were the days

my friend, i thought they would never end....
though they started really early, 5am at drummoyne rowing club! Posted by Picasa

20 September, 2005

stop and listen

wdr5, the information radio channel, plays '08.44 Uhr "Keepin' the faith" De La Soul'

look how far we got

19 September, 2005

one for the ladies

see how digital manipulation works.... though in most cases i find the original pictures more appealing


first thought after a heavy party when you see this on the next morning: bastard!

dummer wahl-content

wieso sah das logo bei der ard 'wahl05' für mich immer wie 'wahlos' aus? und ich weiss, dass das nicht richtig geschrieben ist...

18 September, 2005

worte zur wahl

'die verlierer dieser wahl sind ganz klar die demoskopen'