bauern beklagen sich, dass bei dem stromausfall wegen schneefalls ihre milch nicht gekühlt werden konnte....
moment?!?! strommasten brechen wegen schneelast zusammen und ihr sagt, eure milch wird warm? mir kommen spontan zwei ideen, dieses porblem zu lösen!
16 Dezember, 2005
rowing news
those were the days
doc scott & mc conrad [live in berlin 1996]
peaktime d'n'b with lots of oldschool gems, tracklist
thanks breaksblog, via republish
15 Dezember, 2005
geschmacksverwirrung part II
danke rtl II dafür:
und abends geht es in die gothik disco
song im hintergrund: daf - tanz den mussolini
und abends geht es in die gothik disco
song im hintergrund: daf - tanz den mussolini
am i getting old? i have to admit i like the bob sinclair´s 'love generation'.
[you know, the song for the soccer worldcup 2006, with that stooopid goleo]
[you know, the song for the soccer worldcup 2006, with that stooopid goleo]
14 Dezember, 2005
i just signed my work contract today. not that much but it gives me some confidence....
and i like working with people who seem to be sprung out of a helge schneider movie!
and i like working with people who seem to be sprung out of a helge schneider movie!
why do i always when i hear the song 'christmas in my heart' think about 'christmas in the hollies'?
sarah connor vs. run dmc, sounds like a good bootleg!
sarah connor vs. run dmc, sounds like a good bootleg!
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