31 Dezember, 2008

and don't haha

as the year ends, the german hacker group chaos computer club shows its capabilties:
the websites of german right wing white nacionalist party, NPD, show some funny pictures.

more at heise

29 Dezember, 2008

late christmas greetings

and as every year we went on rowing for the morning of christmas eve. a bit hung over and freezing but still ok:


[from left to right: meike coxing, jan, yvonne, me and boris]

19 Dezember, 2008

paleface feat kyla

i've been looking for this song since i heard it for the first time. seems to be a big hit in the uk [place no2 in the 100 year chart of 2008 by fact magazine].... but unfortunately there is no opportunity to buy this track at itunes or beatport. mysterious!

18 Dezember, 2008

rocko schamoni

very entertaining, indeed!
lots of laughter, sheer joy as he read from all three of his books.

[pic by rocko schamoni]

15 Dezember, 2008


for those fans of hardcore breakbeat [back in the days]:

knite force has opened it's entire backcatalogue for free [including artwork and 320kbps mp3 files].

big up!

via scheckkartenpunk

06 Dezember, 2008

the internet isn't better

today i went out at 8 am, rainy and cold, to buy some tickets for chirstmas concert of the germand die toten hosen, christmas 2009 by the way.

sale started today at 10 am, only local shops like the counter of the local soccer team [fortuna düsseldorf], a brewery downtown [uerige] and at the soccer game that day. all opened at 10 am, we waited 90min with freezing feet to get the tickets but the job was done.

roumers were spread that the internet ticket sale started at 8 am, which would have meant no waiting in the cold/rain. but what do i see?


30 November, 2008

never seen before

ok, it's a typical german sunday winter morning, around 0 degrees, something between rain and snow. nothing as an excuse not to do any sports.

but do you have to do your running with an open umbrella in hand?

28 November, 2008

sydney as you might never have seen it before

a stop motion film by keith loutit, looks amazingly like it was all made up by modells:

low budget video clips

here is someone offering his abilities to make low budget music videos. allthough i doubt that the original would have cost much more i like the unofficial better than the original version:


at least germany`s foreign minister, frank-walter steinmeier, is able to tell us the exact name of the indian city:

"...the attacks in mumbai, the former bombay...."

27 November, 2008

to the german media:

could someone please notice that it`s MUMBAI instead of Bombay [as the old name of bombay referres to the portugese  occupation].

Astonishingly only the public service tv-station use the old name...






25 November, 2008


yesterday at the cinema [vicky christina barcelona, directed by woody allen, with scarlet johannsson, penelope cruz and javier bardem] i noticed a slight similarity between javier bardem and a friend of mine from barcelona: nacho!

14 November, 2008

scrambel this anagram

the magazine for the sueddeutsche zeitung has a funny collumn:
gemischtes doppel

today it was

osama bin laden - obama sin laden
[picture of him]- [white house]

06 November, 2008

thank god

the banggang-djs are back again ;) and they great with the following picture:


31 Oktober, 2008

easy like friday morning....

friday morning, 7:14 AM, at the train to work:
a group of women gathering around 2 bottles of sweet smelling sparkling wine, exactly what i do not need at this time of the week/day.....

23 Oktober, 2008

every year

after the first circuit-training for the season you have slight muscle ache the next morning. but nothing beats the feeling that you want to sing buju bantons - champion:
walk like a champion, talk like a champion.

only your attitude changes to 'in your face' because you feel invincible.

22 Oktober, 2008

skate for peace / afghanistan

german newspaper 'die sueddeutsche zeitung' reports about an australian skateboarding tourist who started a skatecamp for children in kabul. it's frequented also by girls, quite uncommon for that regio. now he is looking for gifts.... there are only 9 boards/decks right now.

german skateshop titus supports this great idea for a cupple of months with 'skateistan'

14 Oktober, 2008


jetzt mal auf deutsch, da ja eh nur für die hörer deutscher radiosender.
früher habe ich steve mason auf bfbs [british forces broadcasting service] aus dem radio aufgenommen. seine radioshow mit den neusten schallplatten hat mich dann knapp eine woche lang im walkman begleitet, bis halt zur nächsten sendung.

seit lange hatte ich heute morgen nun wieder ein ähnliches gefühl, nachdem mich ein kollege auf den wdr-radiorecorder aufmerksam gemacht hat.

herrliches teil und legal. der wdr bietet als service für meine gebühren ein programm zum download an, mit dem sich alle radiosendung des wdr bei bestehender internetverbindung auf dem heimischen pc aufzeichnen lassen. inclusive programmplan aller 5 wdr radiokanäle, plus support von itunes zum direkten überspielen auf den ipod.
vermutlich aus rechtlichen gründen darf z.B. domian nicht als podcast angeboten werden. bisher hätte ich den gerne morgens in den bahn gehört, statt dessen merrick and ross [and kate ritchie] aus australien. bis jetzt wie gesagt, denn heute morgen konnte ich dem wunderbaren radio-entertainment mit anrufern in der bahn lauschen!
anderer aspekt ist natürlich, dass der wdr zwar sehr viele 'wortbeiträge' [also reportagen] als podcast anbietet, aber für mich spannende unterhaltung mit musik fehlt [wegen der lizenzen für eben die musik]. also kann ich jetzt, klaus fiehe sonntags komplett aufnehmen und habe meinen ersatz für steve mason....

[p.s.: letzter link mit kleinem archiv von vielen vielen tollen radiosendungen]

12 Oktober, 2008


after some years we've won the rhine marathon [leverkusen - düsseldorf] once more:


from left to right: wolf, rainer, claudia [thanks you very much for perfect coxing! no water in our boat], boris and me

10 Oktober, 2008

american remake

yesterday the us version of australian comedy 'kath & kim' had it premiere..... and totally failed as i could read in the blogs.

i still have the first two series of this tv-show here on dvd and can remember as i bought them in australia to show everybode the sincere australian humor, besides cnnn.  [chaser non-stop news network that is, it's on abc]

05 Oktober, 2008

tour du lac


i'm quite glad that this time we had ne crew to compete in the 160 km rowing regatta tour du lac du geneve.

 Freelance photographer

only 5 boots out of 21 particapants suceeded to finish!

the first boats sunk after 30 of the 160km course...

03 Oktober, 2008

music today

MP3: Elephant Man - No Tikkle

it's a lazy bank holiday today, tag der deutschen einheit. rainy, cold only 9 degrees at 4 pm. so here's what blasting outside my speakers....
benny hill riddim by leftside, elephant man!
thanks to heatwave.co.uk

australians in egypt?

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29 September, 2008

more than one word:

Egypt 2008 from el pocho on Vimeo.

more to come, especially some words ;)

02 September, 2008

aussies get it first?

one of my favorit tunes, wiley's 'wearing my rolex', , was featured in some mixes by the usual garage heads. you can image how astouned i was when i found out that two usual radio jocks from nova in australia put this song into their top 5, each one fo them. and one is a female!


new mobile?

after my second mobile in a row broke down out of the blue i wonder whether i should switch from my well known sony ericsson [both mobiles fainted without any outer influence] to nokia!

those small thinks should be that resiatent to survive a normal living in my pocket. i don't care about scratches, it just should not give up it's service without any warning!

23 August, 2008


do i have to worry if the espresso machine is my best friend?

answer from a good friend: not untill it starts to talk to you....

bob is right, off course!

the pics from down under don't actually were taken in australia. but they we're posted by a blog from victoria, australia ;)


now to something completely different, music!

one of my preffered musical bands is bran van 3000. they only released 2 albums so far, as i know. one of them is known for the 3rd track: drinking in LA.

the second album is even better, the first song nearly covers the whole talent of the musical collaboration: the only clared sample of curtis mayfield [signed while he was in hospital, the last action he actully took, rest in peace. but it's a nice fact about this great musician, curtis]. the song's named 'astouned' and you already might have heard it.

but here's a funny story : in the posts beneath a video of bran von someone writes: "Dude I love them!!! I love this CD found it in my car!"

i really like the idea of discovering this band / music with an unknown cd you find in your car. maybe it's a used car you bought and find this cd..... totally love it.

old music to start the weekend

while i just bought zoot woman on itunes, i stumbled through the internet for some "old" tunes, which i really enjoyed back in the days [90ies]:


20 August, 2008

pics from down under

that i want to share:


not funny? check the speed!


remeber matrix, the first movie?


neo's passport expires on september the eleventh, 2001

stolen from kensington victoria

10 August, 2008

not the smartest idea?

ok, crappy title but i couldn't resist:



i really would like to see this car pulling a boat-trailor for a rowing regatta.... no, better not!

09 August, 2008



while watching the olympics someone posted a nice link to a guinea pig calendar pic

08 August, 2008

dell security


without security/antivirus software 0,00€

without security/antivirus software [german] 0,01 €

03 August, 2008

social history: boy/girl

just a quick test for you to see how concious you should be with your private data:using your browser url-histoy to estimate your gender

might sound funny but it might come in handy for some purpose you don't think of....

nice new sticker

on my way to work [the trainstation that is for the first way point] i see this nice piece of workDSC00023 (1)

01 August, 2008

you've got to read between the lines

Bild schreibt:

Gericht stoppt Herzlos-Vermieter, ihm waren die fröhlichen Kinder zu laut

„Juchu, wir dürfen endlich wieder raus auf den Spielplatz – schaukeln, wippen, fröhlich sein“.

Ähem, auf den Spielplatz durften die Kinder immer. Denn es störte einen Nachbarn, dass die Kiddies auf dem vor dem Spielplatz gelegenen Garagenhof spielten, respektive Lärm verursachten. [und nicht den achso herzlosen Vermieter, der auf dem Foto auch noch unkenntlich gemacht wurde, aber dennoch aussieht wie der Franjo Pooth Wuppertals]. Grund für den Streit war, dass die Kinder [egal ob fröhlich oder grob marodierend] den Spielplatz nur über den Garagenhof betreten konnten. Das war einem Nachbarn offensichtlich zu laut, darüber hatte er sich beim Vermieter beschwert [nichts weiteres, dem Nachbarn war auch nicht an einer Kündigung der Eltern gelegen]. Der Vermieter sprach eine Abmahnung aus, wegen der Kinder, welche jetzt unerlaubter Weise auf dem Garagenhof spielten. Bild zeigt aber nur die Kinder auf dem Spielplatz und verschweigt den Garagenhof.

Manch einer mag jetzt denken: und damit beschäftigt sich sogar das Landgericht?

Immerhin haben diese Richter herausgestellt, dass es doch eigentlich egal ist, ob die Kinder auf dem Garagenhof den zu beanstandenden Krach machen oder ob sie auf dem Spielplatz Krach verursachen [was natürlich nicht zu beanstanden ist]. Krach ist in der Nähe eines Spielplatzes halt hinzunehmen.

Ich denke nur: und darüber schreibt die Bild?

Herrgott, wenn ich darüber nachdenke, wie alle anderen „Nachrichten“ in der Bild mit den entsprechenden Hintergrundinformationen zu lesen sind...... ich glaube, mir wird schlecht.

So schrieb im übrigen die Süddeutsche Zeitung darüber.

rename to: thank god it's friday

because i mostly have time on fridays to post something....

or just start listening to ice cube

30 Juli, 2008

dottikon, das

ein apostroph, der keiner ist. besonders verbreitet sind dottikons in wortgebilden wie "dieter's kneipe", "susi's nähstübchen" und "mittwoch's geschlossen".

danke an douglas adams / sven böttcher "der tiefere sinn des labenz"

18 Juli, 2008

kölner stadtachter 2008

diesmal hätten wir vielleicht ne chance gehabt [nicht letzter zu werden, vielleicht auch nicht vorletzter.....]

hooligan disco

[via: nomoresleep [formely known as republish]

sticker with meaning

DSC00020not just the typical "i'm too lazy/shy to write my tag on the wall so i use stickers" design. a cctv-camera covered by flowers. nice! would like to see more of these.

[location: wuppertal]

podcasts to remember:

the shop mentioned below offers weekly podcasts for new tunes [i for sure listen to the drum and bass genrecast]. there's also a genrecast for 'burners'

why.... stupid?

I tried to buy "andrea doria - bucci bag" at my favorite online music store, beatport that is, and didn't get the tune because of some stupid u.s. american market regulations. I would have spent 2,49 € on that track.
now I can get it on iTunes for 99 cents [or 4 bottle caps frome coke...].
shame on someone for this, mayor deal, mayor record lable etc

more stickers, wuppertal

latest sticker at wuppertal main station
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21 Juni, 2008

bad news


news no 4, 5, 6 and 8 about the actual state of germany
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news of the world

1. the track mentioned below is #1 of the german charts....
2. one quarter finals of the euro 2006 turkey vs. germany....
3. open suse 11 up and running!

[news in no specific order]

18 Juni, 2008

grower part II

here's a remix of shaggy feat trix and flix [yepp, the eu tournament song] done with the catchy sample of samim's heater:

heatwave comments on the colaboration:
"In fact, when you follow the global trail of samples, remixes and versions that Feel The Rush leaves in its wake, it may be a canny move by UEFA to give the song (and the tournament) as broad an appeal as possible. So we end up with a Caribbean version by a mainstream American star of a Berlin-based producer's smash club hit which sampled a South American folk song and was remixed by a San Francisco house/techno DJ."

16 Juni, 2008


just updated the blogroll, may i introduce you to lars:
MBA Master-Thesis Weblog


found these around the streets of duesseldorf and thought they should be mentioned ;)

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15 Juni, 2008

stupid [movie-]companies

one night after i watched [rec] i find out that although it's already been released on blue ray [first spanish movie ever] it won't be released in the us...... because sony already has filmed an american remake, which totally looked the same. the building [rental house in barcelona switched to l.a.?], the reporter even wears the same clothes.....

so, blame it on the internet: go and watch the real deal!
or compare for yourself:

and the original trailer for the uk:

oh, you gonna see it again:

14 Juni, 2008

a real grower

as you might know from one previous post, i really like samim's heater.
and now i'm quite pleased to hear this track on public radio....
released july 2007, still has a long way to go

31 Mai, 2008


das wars wohl [mal wieder]für das gute alte brauereipferd fortuna


heute, herzschlagfinale der dritten liga:
wird fortuna düsseldorf es endlich mal wieder schaffen, in die zweite zu kommen?
finde andere auch spannend, im ruderverein wird eine woche vor beginn der em wohl der grill mangels besucher noch kalt bleiben, aber die tribüne ist schon vor der videowand aufgebaut!

ole fortuna!

29 Mai, 2008

australian ad

warren, loved the ad for virgin mobile,
looking for a female or simmilar.

but this is the beat, by far:

wiggy wiggy waaaahaarren

28 Mai, 2008

amsterdam rowing

sometimes it's interesting what you find, when you place your cloth beneath other peoples baggage:
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the bestest....

wuppertal has funny names for its streets, like:
im funkloch [at no reception]
hassnacken [hate neck]

but this one is the best:
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podcasts galore

i really enjoy my "old" ipod nano. comes in handy on the trip to/from work everyday and whilst i`m rowing on my erg. for the second one i switched from music albums to podcasts!
german radio station eins live offers some great talkshows, reports etc [all without music due to copyright issues]. here are some choices for you, with my personel remarks:

plan b - talk
with ben becker
[whom i held for quite an arsehole, after havong heard his story i was quite bemused.... nice fellow!]

klubbing - charlotte roche reading from her book 'feuchtgebiete'
for all those readers of quality magazines like prisma and vanity fair [like me, sic!]:
neither will she be doing porn, nor is it "anal frisuren" it's 'anal fissuren' instead [and yes, there is a huge difference between these simmilar sounding words]

there is loads of good stuff, like 'dittsche' comedy show, which i can't stand watchig because it's too close to reality for me but listening is just fun.

and finally, now there's summer in germany, a good australian podcast [besides the bang gang djs], the merrick & rosso & kate richie show from nova 969......

13 Mai, 2008


von herrn jingler gefangen, mal sehen wie uninteressant weil aussagelos meine feststellungen mittels itunes werden:

Starte Dein iTunes, was sagt die Statistik:
2509 titel, 11,5 tage, 20,14 gb

Kürzester und längster Track (ohne “Intros”):
klein 0:03 [aus austins powers]
ansonsten echter track: knowledge - original concept 0:17
carl craig at harpune dusseldorf 2006 2:58:55

Erster und letzter Track (Titelname):
A.T.F.C. Presents Chroma - Soulkeeper
Die '7' ist alles - Die Toten Hosen

Erster und letzter Interpret:
absolute beginners
808 state

Erstes und letztes Album (Titel):
acid jazz classics
soundtrack zum film [???]

Die fünf meistgespielten Tracks:
1. Badman - Original Mix - Qualifide
2. All About The Nineties
3. Archangel- Burial
4. Iron Man - Armour
5. The Big 30h - DJ Hype

Fünf Songs im Partyshuffle (Party-Jukebox):
Work - Original Mix - Masters At Work
Dutch Flowerz - Skream
Molten - Digital Mystikz
Go Shoppin' - Bran Van 3000
Kelly Watch The Stars - Air

Suche nach folgenden Begriffen - wieviele Songs tauchen als Ergebnis auf?
Sex: 73
Death: 5
Love: 97
You: 149
Home: 40
Boy: 39
Girl: 23
Black: 54
Red: 14
Gold: 9
[interessant, wie stark die ergebnisse hier zu christian differieren]

Zuerst / Zuletzt hinzugefügt:
kann nur die gerade gekauften cds [kein itunes download diesmal] nennen:
an england stroy
any minute now - soulwax
as heard on radio soulwax - 2 many djs [repress!]

und wer soll es jetzt kriegen?
na, schlage ich doch mal den pru vor

first time

today i really had a "hard" encounter: my first life and in-persona impression of a "breast-enhancement". believe me, it was not that nice to watch!
it looked like someone [it could have been the lady herself] tried to stuff two flattened tennis balls unter an empty cussion.....
impressive but not desirable!


wirklich ein löbliches anliegen, nazis zu stoppen. aber die initiatoren sollten ihre flyer/aufkleber proof lesen lassen. ansonsten ergeht es wohl mehreren passanten wie mir, die denken "wieso auf den arsch? aufm arsch.... ach: auf-marsch!"

worth buying

after listening the heatwave bloggariddims mix "an england story" over and over again, i finally bought the double cd... an england story, history telling!

09 Mai, 2008

after some time

first friday without a tie in the office, unbuttoned short sleeve shirt over the trousers..... it must be a casual SUMMER friday!

p.s. first moscito ithes for this year, too

11 April, 2008

amazing technology

although it really looks a bit scary to me!

10 April, 2008

bitte was? aus a folgt b?

Zutritt zu Justizgebäuden – Einlasskontrollen bei Rechtsreferendaren
OVG Münster, Beschluss vom 12.02.2007 – 1 A 749/06

VwGO §§ 43, 113 Abs. 1 S. 4, 124 Abs. 2; JAG NW § 30 Abs. 1

1.Der Dienststellenleiter eines Justizgebäudes ist aufgrund seines öffentlich-rechtlichen Hausrechtes befugt, Rechtsreferendare bei den Einlasskontrollen insoweit anders zu behandeln als Richter, Staatsanwälte, Rechtsanwälte oder die übrigen Justizmitarbeiter, wenn er ihnen die Mitführung von Fotohandys untersagt.
2.Es begegnet keinen Bedenken, männliche Rechtsreferendare durch weibliche Justizwachtmeister kontrollieren zu lassen, soweit dabei keine Durchsuchung mit körperlichen Kontakt stattfindet.
3.Bei der auf einvernehmlicher Übergabe beruhenden Ingewahrsamnahme von Gegenständen durch eine Justizbehörde im Rahmen von Einlasskontrollen handelt es sich um eine Variante von Maßnahmen, die in allen sicherheitsrelevanten Bereichen seit langem verbreitet sind und nach den Terroranschlägen des 11. September 2001 aus Grünen äußerster Vorsorge ganz allgemein intensiviert wurden. In der Bevölkerung stoßen derartige Kontrollen schon im Eigeninteresse der Kontrollierten nicht nur auf Duldung, sondern auf breiteste Akzeptanz.
4.Die Eingriffintensität bei bloßen Metalldetektorkontrollen ohne körperliche Durchsuchung liegt im untersten Bereich.

Fundstelle: NJW 2007, S. 3798ff.; KammerMitteilungen RAK Düsseldorf 1/2008, S. 87

25 März, 2008


soutpark studios are giving away [okay, they're streaming....] every aired episode of southpark! that's nice.....

11 März, 2008

amsterdamse confusion

the rest of my crew besides the cox speaks spanish, i communicate with them in english. with my girlfriend sitting next to me at the restaurant i speak german. and when the waitress asks me something in dutch i can understand it but my answer is in spanish!

roeiveerkamp amsterdam

we're leaving a fair enough impression for the lack of training, a newly assembled crew and severe conditions for the spainish team ;)
and no, i'm not crying...

05 März, 2008

last night i dreamt of st. pedro

i have no clue what this means for mrs. madonna.
but for my part, my dream was about rowing in the old drummoyne rowing club eight back in sydney!
and i wonder what mr. freud would have to comment on this one....
it could be that i'm facing a rowing regatta in an eight in amsterdam this weekend and that i found out that one comrades from the old eight in sydney is now state champion...

drysdale vs waddell!